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Marina Hatzimanoli – Cyprus Deputy Minister of Shipping

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Interview with Dionysis Politis

Madam Deputy Minister, you are the third in line since the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping was first created – in March 2018. Do you want to outline your immediate goals?
Our goals focus on the following:
- Ensuring the immediate service of the shipping industry by creating the one-stop service or the "One-Stop-Shipping Centre", in collaboration with other government services so that the transactions of the shipping industry with the State are carried out from one point.
– The implementation of the Limited Liability Shipping Company Law (N.E.P.E.) with the aim of attracting and registering ships in the Cypriot registry.
– Digitization of all the services provided by the Deputy Ministry.
- Promotion of shipping in Cyprus and abroad with the aim of attracting ships to the Cypriot registry, establishing companies in Cyprus and entering new markets.
– The completion and implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning.
– Strengthening the security levels of Cypriot seagoing vessels and vessels operating within the territorial waters of the Republic (coastal vessels and pleasure vessels).
– The effective implementation of International Conventions and European Legislation concerning climate change.
– Strengthening our participation in European maritime forums, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) to safeguard the interests of Cypriot shipping during the formulation of various policies in relation to shipping.
– The strengthening of our relations with other States for the exchange of views on issues of common interest as well as for the formation of common approaches to maritime policy issues.
– The promotion of maritime studies and blue-collar professions and the strengthening of cooperation with educational institutions.
– The relocation of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping to a new building.
You have made a special reference to the attractive economic environment of Cyprus for shipping companies. Specifically the 95 shipping companies increased to 320. Are there any additional measures you will take to be able to increase this number even more?
Cyprus is today a modern and integrated shipping complex that combines an internationally recognized high-standard registry, which is among the largest in the world, with a developed on-site shipping industry, which is active in a wide range of shipping and similar services. Based on our latest data, the companies taxed in the tonnage tax system exceed 350.
Ensuring the financial stability of companies doing business with Cyprus is one of the main advantages provided, an element that has been appreciated by the industry, which supports the economy of our country.
Shipping is undoubtedly one of the most important growth pillars of the Cypriot economy and requires flexibility to adapt and maintain our competitiveness.
Taking into account the effects of the latest geopolitical developments, the need for targeted promotion and promotion of the advantages offered by Cyprus as a shipping center is deemed imperative. In this direction, a specific promotion action plan has already been prepared for the year 2023 with the ultimate goal of attracting new companies to Cyprus.
Additionally aware of the intense international competition that has prevailed in recent years, our goal is to strengthen our comparative advantages and ensure a stable investment framework for further development.
The provision of incentives, the formation of the appropriate legislative framework to facilitate business, as well as the provision of quality services on a twenty-four-hour basis are the beacon of our policy for the further development of our shipping industry.
You stated that the most important element of an organization is human resources. What will be your actions, so that the human resources of the Ministry of Shipping of Cyprus are fully utilized?
Undoubtedly, the human resources of an organization, like the Deputy Ministry of Shipping, is the cornerstone of its successful mission. My goal and pursuit is the maximum utilization of the wide range of knowledge and skills of the specialized staff of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping.
The responsibilities of the Deputy Ministry are such that the specialized knowledge, know-how and experience acquired in such a special and demanding industry are necessary.
I should note here that the first contact and cooperation I had with the staff left me with the best impressions and my pursuit is to create a suitable working environment at all levels that allows everyone to perform at their best.
I would also like to underline that continuous and targeted training is of primary importance and therefore it is important to create a framework for providing education and training through specific programs.
Tell us the basic steps you will take to further strengthen the Cypriot registry.
The Cypriot merchant fleet has shown steady growth in recent decades, despite the sometimes unfavorable circumstances and ongoing challenges.
The upgrading of shipping services, quality service, high levels of ship safety and the specialized knowledge of the human resources have ranked the Cypriot flag as one of the highest quality and most competitive flags in the shipping sector.
Following all safety and security standards established by international maritime and other organizations, the Cypriot flag is included among the flags of the countries included in the "White List" of the Paris and Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding for ship controls.
The Cyprus Register offers competitive advantages, an attractive taxation system, full protection for financiers and mortgagees and exemption from income tax on the earnings of seafarers serving on Cypriot ships.
A fixed goal of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping is the safeguarding and further development of shipping as a safe and sustainable industry and of course the further upgrading of the services provided.
In this context, the foundations have already been laid for the creation of the one-stop service or the "One-Stop-Shipping Centre", adopting as a first step the Law on the Limited Liability Shipping Company (N.E.P.E) 2022 (N 161(I)/2022) as well as the digitization of all the services of the Deputy Ministry.
With the adoption of the One-Stop-Shipping Centre, it is expected to simplify procedures and serve the wider shipping industry so that all shipping-related transactions are carried out from the same point.
Regarding digitization, by May 2024, it is expected that all the services of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping will be provided digitally.
Let us note at this point that in addition to the adoption in October 2022 of the Law on the Limited Liability Shipping Company (N.E.P.E.) which is not yet in force, our immediate priority for the coming months is the preparation of the relevant secondary legislation for the implementation of the aforementioned Law, as well as the digitization of the N.E.P.E. Registry.
However, I would like to underline that a priority for us is the systematic review and analysis of our policies. Cooperation and contact with the ship-owning community is the required condition for further improvement and modernization of the services we provide.
In this context, specific actions have already been planned, including meetings both in Cyprus and abroad, during which I will have the opportunity to present our vision for Cypriot shipping, but also to discuss issues that concern global shipping in general .
What are the synergies between Cyprus and Greece in shipping?
The shipping sector is undoubtedly an important pillar of economic development for both Greece and Cyprus, two maritime states with a tradition, which are linked by long-standing historical ties based on common values and principles.
Therefore, the partnership could not be less than excellent on all levels.
The two countries are members of the European Union, as well as the Council of the International Maritime Organization and in this context, coordination and synergies are essential elements in the effort to preserve the sustainability of global shipping.
In addition to bilateral relations, and taking into account the changing and difficult conditions that the global community is experiencing, the two countries support initiatives and partnerships with other countries, generally promoting stability and security.
I would also like to note the cooperation of the two countries in the resumption of the maritime passenger connection between Cyprus and Greece in 2022, a project which is subsidized and supported by the Cypriot Government.
Cyprus is a maritime country with developed maritime and maritime education. Does the present situation require any additional or even new actions?
The Deputy Ministry of Shipping has responsibility for the administration, supervision and monitoring of the training and assessment of seafarers as required by the relevant International Convention STCW78 as amended.
The training and assessment of seafarers is carried out by recognized maritime training schools, in accordance with the relevant Law (Law 27(I)/2008 as amended).
Maritime education is a sector to which great importance is attributed as it contributes to the improvement of the safety levels of ships and also to the competitiveness of Cypriot shipping. In 2022, the upward trend in the number of students attending the three recognized merchant marine academies of Cyprus continued.
In 2022, 57 students were enrolled in the recognized academies of Cyprus (43 Cypriots) and 28 Cypriot students in the Merchant Marine Academies of Greece.
A total of 299 Cypriot students were studying in merchant marine academies in Cyprus and Greece in 2022.
In addition, the Deputy Ministry of Shipping, in order to facilitate and give more incentives to young people who will follow the maritime profession and in particular the merchant navy officer, since 2017 by decision of the Council of Ministers subsidizes the on-board practical training and offers scholarships to the students of the recognized academies maritime training, up to 400,000 euros.
The visibility and promotion of the maritime profession is one of our priorities, first because global shipping needs more competent merchant marine officers, but also it is a profession, I would say a bit unknown in the Cypriot education culture.
We want to inform parents, children, schools and agencies about the prospects of the maritime profession and the maritime professions in general, because we feel and believe that it is our duty but it will also help Cypriot shipping in general.
On this, civil society enlightenment campaigns have been planned, as well as actions to inform/promote shipping-related professions in secondary education. The Deputy Ministry of Shipping will participate in professional orientation exhibitions, while related actions will be implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
In addition, guidance is provided to tertiary institutions to establish maritime-related undergraduate and postgraduate studies, while synergies with academic institutions, research centers and the maritime industry in general are promoted.

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