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Keynote speech by Mr. Dimitrios Mattheou

Keynote speech by Mr. Dimitrios Mattheou

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Keynote speech by Mr. Dimitrios Mattheou at the
January 10th 2024




Dimitrios Mattheou
CEO of Arcadia Shipmanagement Co LTD & Aegean Bulk Co Inc
Chairman of Green Award Foundation
Founder & President of St Nicholas Business Club
President of AHEPA Maritime Chapter “St. Nicholas” HJ-45

Today, we stand at a pivotal juncture in the history of global trade and transportation. As we navigate through this new geopolitical era, it’s crucial to recognize the lifeblood of our global economy: shipping. This sector, often unseen by the general populace, is what truly connects continents, cultures, and economies.

Consider this: over 90% of the world’s trade is carried by sea. From the food we eat to the technology we use daily, shipping is the silent engine driving our way of life. It’s not just a component of global trade; it is the very medium that makes it possible.

As we delve deeper into the significance of shipping in our interconnected world, it’s imperative to acknowledge how recent geopolitical conflicts, particularly the wars in Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Palestine and Houthi attacks in Red Sea, are reshaping the maritime landscape and global trade routes.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has profound implications for global shipping. Ukraine’s strategic position as a ‘breadbasket of the world’ and Russia’s role as a major energy supplier mean that any disruption not only affects regional stability but also sends shockwaves through global supply chains.

The Black Sea, a crucial artery for the transportation of grains and oil, has become a zone of contention, leading to soaring insurance costs, diverted trade routes, and an unsettling uncertainty that ripples across continents.

Similarly, the enduring conflict between Israel and Palestine has its implications for trade and shipping. The tension often leads to blockades and restrictions in key maritime routes, affecting not just regional but global trade. Each flare-up not only threatens the lives of countless individuals but also disrupts the flow of goods and resources, illustrating how regional conflicts have far-reaching impacts on global commerce.

As we explore the significant role of shipping in our global fabric and the profound impact of geopolitical conflicts, we must also turn our attention to the strategic waters of the Red Sea, a vital maritime corridor linking the East and the West. Here, the attacks on vessels by the Houthi rebels have introduced another layer of complexity and risk to global shipping and trade.

The Red Sea is not just any route; it is a pathway through which approximately 10% of global trade flows, including a significant portion of the world’s oil. The attacks by the Houthi rebels in this region have escalated concerns, leading to heightened security alerts and a reevaluation of the safety of critical shipping lanes. These incidents are not isolated; they reflect a larger pattern of maritime insecurity that affects the freedom and safety of international navigation.

As we consider the future of shipping under the new geopolitical era, we must address the urgent need for enhanced maritime security and international cooperation. It’s imperative that we work towards a collective effort to safeguard these essential maritime routes, not only for the uninterrupted flow of trade but for the stability and prosperity of the global community.

The Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and the enduring strife between Israel and Palestine collectively serve as powerful reminders of the intricate interplay between regional conflicts and global shipping. They underscore the need for resilience, adaptability, and a concerted effort towards peace and stability.

 In this new era, our challenge is not just to navigate these troubled waters but to be a part of the vanguard that promotes safety, security, and cooperation across our blue planet.

Each attack on a vessel is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist in key maritime chokepoints. It’s a reminder that in addition to navigating the natural challenges of the sea, the shipping industry must also navigate the turbulent waters of regional conflicts and political strife. The implications of such attacks are profound: increased insurance premiums, rerouted journeys, delayed deliveries, and ultimately, higher costs for consumers and economies worldwide.

These conflicts serve as stark reminders of how geopolitical tensions can rapidly alter trade routes, disrupt supply chains, and create economic reverberations felt around the world. They underscore the need for the shipping industry to be agile, resilient, and, above all, mindful of the broader geopolitical landscape.

As we move forward, let us not only consider the economic implications of these conflicts but also the human cost. Let us advocate for a shipping industry that not only navigates the tumultuous waters of geopolitical disputes but also champions the cause of peace, stability, and prosperity for all.

In this new era, our challenge is not just to adapt to changing trade routes but to be part of the force that steers our global community towards resolution, stability, and a more connected world.

But as the geopolitical tides shift, so too must the shipping industry. The emergence of new trade blocs, the redefinition of international alliances, and the increasing focus on sustainability are not just ripples but waves reshaping the maritime landscape.

We are witnessing a transformation in global shipping routes as nations reassess their trade strategies. The Arctic route, once a frozen path, is now a topic of strategic discussions, promising shorter journeys but also posing environmental and geopolitical challenges.

Similarly, initiatives like China’s Belt and Road are not just reshaping logistics but also the dynamics of power and influence.

Moreover, the growing emphasis on decarbonization and sustainability is steering the industry toward uncharted waters. The shipping sector, responsible for a significant portion of global emissions, is now under the spotlight.

The transition to cleaner fuels, the investment in green technology, and the implementation of stricter regulations are not just trends but necessities that will redefine the industry’s future.

In this new geopolitical era, the shipping industry stands as a beacon of global interconnectivity and progress. Yet, it also faces the winds of change, from geopolitical tensions to environmental concerns. As we move forward, our navigation must be guided not only by the compass of economic interests but also by the stars of sustainability and collaboration.

 Let us, therefore, come together to steer this vital sector toward a future where it continues to connect the world, not just through the seas it crosses but through the shared commitment to a prosperous, sustainable, and peaceful world.

As we navigate the complex waters of the modern shipping industry, one of the most significant and transformative elements we must discuss is the Emission Trading System, commonly known as ETS. This system, a cornerstone of environmental policy, is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the most cost-effective way. But what does this mean for the shipping industry, a sector traditionally powered by fossil fuels?

The ETS operates on the ‘cap and trade’ principle. Simply put, a cap is set on the total amount of certain greenhouse gases that can be emitted by installations covered by the system. Within this cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances, which they can trade with one another as needed. The cap is reduced over time, so that total emissions fall.

For shipping, this represents both a challenge and a transformative opportunity. As the cap tightens and allowances become more scarce and valuable, the cost of emitting CO2 increases. This incentivizes companies to innovate and transition to cleaner energy sources. But the path is not without its challenges.

Firstly, there’s the technical challenge. Developing and implementing new technologies for cleaner shipping requires significant investment and time. We’re talking about retrofitting old ships with new technologies or designing and building entirely new fleets. These technologies range from cleaner fuels like LNG and hydrogen to more radical innovations like electric and wind-assisted propulsion.

Secondly, there’s the operational challenge. The global nature of shipping means that regulations and standards need to be internationally consistent to be effective. This requires unprecedented levels of international cooperation and agreement, navigating through a maze of different economic interests and political wills.

And finally, there’s the economic challenge. Transitioning to cleaner energy sources comes with initial costs. Companies need to invest in new technologies, training, and potentially, more expensive fuels. In the short term, this could affect profitability and competitiveness. However, in the long term, it’s not just about cost-saving; it’s about survival. As regulations tighten and consumer awareness increases, being a cleaner, greener shipper will be a competitive advantage.

Despite these challenges, the transition is not just necessary; it’s inevitable. The ETS, alongside other policies and innovations, is steering the industry towards a greener future. A future where our oceans and air are cleaner, where shipping continues to be the backbone of global trade, but without the environmental cost.

As we stand here today, the question is not if we should transition, but how quickly and effectively we can. The ETS is not just a policy; it’s a signal. A signal that the age of clean shipping is on the horizon, and it’s time for all of us to set sail towards it.


AI transformation in seaborne trade

As we embark on a journey through the evolving landscape of the shipping industry, it’s imperative to shed light on a revolutionary force redefining every facet of maritime operations: Artificial Intelligence, or AI. This isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift in how we approach seaborne trade, promising enhanced efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability.

AI’s role in shipping is multifaceted and profound. At its core, AI involves the use of algorithms and software to simulate human intelligence in machines. In the context of shipping, this means smart systems capable of learning, adapting, and making decisions, transforming ships into sophisticated, self-optimizing vessels.

Let’s delve into some concrete examples of AI applications in practice:

Predictive Maintenance: AI algorithms analyze data from various ship components to predict potential failures before they occur. This not only prevents costly and dangerous equipment breakdowns but also significantly reduces downtime and maintenance costs. By predicting when a part is likely to fail, ships can undergo maintenance only when needed, rather than following a fixed schedule, optimizing operational efficiency and safety.

Autonomous Ships: Perhaps one of the most exciting developments is the advent of autonomous, or self-driving, ships. Equipped with AI sensors and navigational systems, these vessels can analyze their surroundings, make decisions, and navigate through the water with minimal human intervention. This reduces the risk of human error, one of the leading causes of maritime accidents, and allows for more efficient route planning and fuel use.

Optimized Route Planning: AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data, including weather patterns, current maritime traffic, and potential hazards, to determine the most efficient route for a vessel. This not only saves time and fuel but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable industry.

Cargo Handling and Logistics: In ports, AI-driven systems optimize the loading and unloading process, predicting the best ways to handle cargo, manage warehouse space, and schedule deliveries. This reduces waiting times, lowers costs, and improves the overall speed and reliability of the supply chain.

Safety and Surveillance: AI-enhanced surveillance systems onboard ships can monitor for unusual or hazardous conditions, providing early warnings and allowing for quick preventive actions. From detecting potential fires to unauthorized intrusions, AI acts as a vigilant, always-on guard, enhancing the safety of the vessel and its crew.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The adoption of AI in shipping raises important questions about cybersecurity, data privacy, and the need for a skilled workforce capable of operating and maintaining these advanced systems. As we harness AI’s potential, we must also address these challenges head-on, ensuring that our journey towards a smarter shipping industry is secure, ethical, and inclusive.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the AI transformation in seaborne trade is not a distant dream; it’s a present reality. As we continue to explore and invest in these technologies, we’re not just optimizing our operations; we’re charting a course towards a smarter, safer, and more sustainable future for the shipping industry.


Decarbonization strategies and sustainable shipping

In an era where climate change poses a profound challenge to our planet, the imperative for decarbonization and sustainability in all sectors, including shipping, has never been more pressing. Today, I’d like to discuss the transformative strategies the maritime industry is deploying to reduce its carbon footprint and the integration of sustainability into its core operational practices.

Current Decarbonization Strategies

Fuel Transition: One of the most direct strategies is transitioning from traditional heavy fuel oil to lower-carbon alternatives. Ships are increasingly adopting liquefied natural gas (LNG) and exploring biofuels, synthetic fuels, and even hydrogen as potential energy sources. Each offers a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and is a step towards cleaner shipping lanes.

Energy Efficiency Measures: Ship designs are being reimagined to enhance energy efficiency. This includes improved hull designs that reduce drag, air lubrication systems that create a carpet of bubbles under the hull to reduce resistance, and advanced propeller configurations. Furthermore, operational strategies like slow steaming, where ships operate at lower speeds, significantly cut fuel consumption and emissions.

Electrification and Hybrid Technologies: Battery-operated ships and hybrid models are emerging, especially for short-sea shipping routes. While the technology is in nascent stages for long voyages, the industry is investing significantly in research and development to overcome these challenges.

Future Decarbonization Strategies

Zero-emission Vessels (ZEVs): The industry is setting ambitious targets to introduce ZEVs into the global fleet by 2030. These vessels will be powered by entirely zero-emission energy sources, such as hydrogen fuel cells or wind and solar energy, marking a revolutionary stride in sustainable maritime transport.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Research is ongoing into onboard systems that capture CO2 emissions and store them until the ship reaches port, where they can be safely offloaded and sequestered. While complex, CCS represents a potential game-changer for long-haul shipping.

Integrating Sustainability into Operational Practices

Digitalization and Data Analysis: Leveraging big data, AI, and machine learning can optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, and predict maintenance needs. Smart technologies not only contribute to lower emissions but also to more efficient and cost-effective operations.

Circular Economy Practices: Adopting a circular economy approach, where materials and resources are reused and recycled, can significantly reduce waste and environmental impact. This includes everything from recycling ship materials at the end of their lifecycle to implementing zero-waste practices on board.

Environmental Certifications and Standards: Pursuing rigorous environmental certifications and adhering to international standards like the ISO 14001 ,  demonstrates a commitment to sustainability. It also helps build trust with stakeholders and can provide a competitive edge in a market increasingly conscious of environmental impact.

Environmental Impact: The primary benefit is, of course, reduced environmental and climate impact, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

Economic Efficiency: Many sustainable practices, particularly those improving energy efficiency, also reduce operational costs in the long run.

Regulatory Compliance: As international regulations tighten, early adopters of sustainable practices are better positioned to comply and avoid potential penalties or restrictions.

Reputation and Market Position: Companies leading in sustainability can enhance their brand image, attract environmentally conscious customers, and improve their market position.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the journey towards decarbonization and sustainable shipping is not just a moral obligation; it’s a business imperative and a shared responsibility. As we sail into this new era, let us embrace innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to a greener, cleaner maritime future.