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ESPA: Promotion of sales and especially exports


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The Action "Promotion of sales and especially exports" with a total budget of €4,000,000 seeks to strengthen the activities of the priority sectors of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3), through the support of existing micro, small and medium enterprises of the North Aegean Region .

Potential Beneficiaries are existing, very small, small and medium-sized enterprises, as defined in APPENDIX IV: "Definition of SMEs & Model SME declaration" of this challenge, which will implement an investment plan.

Existing means businesses that have at least two (2) complete closed management years 2022-2023 before the date of electronic submission of the financing application.

Closed full management year, means the year for which the final financial result has been determined in accounting and the appropriate tax forms (eg forms E3 & N) have been submitted to AADE and which has a duration of 12 months.



The subsidized budget of each investment project ranges from €60,000 to €300,000.

The subsidized budget may not exceed three times the highest turnover achieved in one of the two full closed management years, before the date of submission of the funding application (2022-2023), with a maximum amount of €300,000. Investment projects with a budget of less than €60,000 are deemed ineligible from the outset and cannot be submitted.

In the event that the investment plan has a budget greater than €300,000, the excess amount is considered 100% private participation for the implementation of the plan and although the excess costs are not subsidized, the entire investment plan is subject to evaluation and monitoring-control, including of excess costs.

In any case, the final subsidized budget of the project cannot be less than the minimum limit of €60,000.



Beneficiaries should, among others, meet the following eligibility conditions:

 To submit a single funding application per VAT number.
 To be active or to be active in the Greek territory and to invest exclusively within the North Aegean Region.
 To have closed at least two (2) full management years (2022-2023) before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
 The business must have at least one (1) EME of dependent work during the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.
 The proposed investment project must concern at least one of the eligible SDFs included in APPENDIX XI: "Eligible areas of activity (SDF)" of the invitation, in which the beneficiaries should be substantially active, during the closed management year 2023 (Main SDF or KAD of higher revenues).

They are not eligible to apply for funding:

 financial and insurance organizations, public enterprises, public bodies or public organizations and/or their subsidiaries, Legal Entities under Public Law (NPDD), as well as the companies in whose capital or voting rights they participate, directly or indirectly, with a percentage of more than twenty-five percent (25%) the OTAs and all the above public bodies individually or jointly (as well as companies assimilated to them, as main partners). In addition, all kinds of sports clubs, associations, sports limited companies, as well as businesses related to the aforementioned categories in any way (indicative: parent, subsidiary, affiliated, cooperative, joint ownership/management through natural persons) are not eligible to apply for funding. persons etc.).
 Offshore businesses

The overall conditions for the participation of the beneficiaries are presented in detail in the Call for Action and must be met in their entirety.

The date of the publication of the call for the Action is defined as the start date of expenditure eligibility.

The end date of the expenditure eligibility period is defined as the final date of completion of the act, i.e. twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval of the funding application. In case the deadline expires on a non-working day, it is extended until the first working day.

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